Our Proven Solutions For High-End WordPress Applications

WordPress is a versatile platform that can be used to create a wide range of websites.

In our “Solutions” menu area we present the technical basis for implementing certain functionalities in WordPress with the help of professional plugins.

Please understand these solutions as examples of how you can use multiple plugins to expand WordPress into a very powerful application platform that is much more than just a blog!

The good news is that professional WordPress plugins have a high level of compatibility and ability to cooperate with other plugins, and are therefore tailor-made! So-called “integrations” continue to grow – because every professional plugin wants to be able to work together with  as many other plugins as possible to create great things!

Check out our presentations for

  • Affiliate Programs: Involve partners into your sales efforts and pay them a commission as a thank you for driving in customers
  • Email Marketing Automation: Inform, inspire and move every visitor through funnels and branches to successful sales – via email
  • Lead Generation: Everything you need to collect leads with success
  • Selling Digital Products: Use WordPress to create a money printing machine selling digital products with sophisticated features

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