Speed Up Your Website With A Few Clicks

WP Rocket - #1 in WordPress Caching

WordPress is a database-based CMS. All content is stored in database tables. If a visitor wants to see a specific page on a website, various database queries must be made by the WordPress program code and then processed until a deliverable HTML page is created. This may take 1-2 seconds depending on server hardware and configuration. Too much for the page to load quickly in the visitor’s browser!

Therefore, there are cache plugins for WordPress that generate static HTML files of your website’s pages and store them on the server. When a user requests a page, the server delivers the cached HTML file instead of dynamically generating the page from scratch. This significantly reduces page load time, resulting in a faster and more responsive website.

Faster page load times lead to a better user experience. Visitors are more likely to stay on your website and engage with your content if they don’t have to wait for pages to load. A cache plugin helps create a seamless browsing experience for your audience and increases the likelihood of conversions and repeat visits.

Website speed and user experience is also a crucial factor in search engine ranking algorithms. Search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites in search results because they provide a better user experience. By using a cache plugin to speed up your website, you can improve your SEO ranking and attract more organic traffic.

Caching simultaneously reduces the workload on your web server by serving cached files instead of processing dynamic requests for each page view. This can prevent issues such as downtime or slow response times during high traffic times.

A WordPress cache plugin is essential to optimize your website speed, improve user experience and SEO rankings, and reduce server load.

Not all cache plugins are the same!

After trying various plugins, we found WP Rocket to be the best WordPress caching plugin overall. We will explain you, why:

Background crawling

WP Rocket crawls your website in the background and stores a static copy of your pages in a cache to be prepared for the first visitor to this page. This allows you to display cached content to visitors instead of fetching the content from your database, creating a page on the fly, and then sending it back to the visitor.

While most other cache plugins wait for a page to be accessed by a visitor for the first time, thereby creating the page’s cache, WP Rocket proactively begins crawling your website and preloads pages into the cache. This means that WP Rocket immediately and automatically creates static HTML files while running in the background and makes them easily accessible to future visitors. Also, all pages are preloaded in the background every time the cache is cleared.

Additional features

WP Rocket also has additional features that improve the performance of your WordPress blog or website. These include minification, lazy loading and GZIP compression. It’s also customizable, so you can tailor the caching and optimization process to suit your website.

WP Rocket also applies browser caching on Apache/LiteSpeed servers. Once this is done, the visitor’s browser stores frequently used files in its local cache storage.

WP Rocket‘s preload feature is compatible with SEO plugins, including AIOSEO. With this in mind, WP Rocket preloads the sitemaps generated by your WordPress SEO plugin.

Sometimes users may need to log in to your website to access certain features. For example, you could run a membership site or an online store with user registration. In this case, WP Rocket has a “User Cache” option that creates a separate set of cache files for each logged in user.

By default, WP Rocket stores the cached files on your website for 10 hours. After that, WP Rocket deletes the cached files and immediately starts preloading the cache with new content. You can change the lifespan to better suit your specific website. For example, you can shorten the lifespan if you run a busy online store, or increase the lifespan if you don’t update your website very often.

Minification removes whitespace from JavaScript and CSS files, reducing their download size. In most cases, this is a minor optimization that won’t have a noticeable impact on your website’s performance. However, if your website has a lot of traffic, minifying it can reduce your overall bandwidth and your hosting costs. With WP Rocket, you can easily minimize static files like JavaScript and CSS stylesheets in the plugin’s settings.

WP Rocket also offers optional features to configure to further improve your site’s performance. These include lazy loading images, content delivery network (CDN) support, minification, and more. It also has advanced features such as database optimization, multisite support, and cache exclusions based on URLs or cookies.

Why we recommend WP Rocket

We use WP Rocket ourselves on several websites and highly recommend it as the best WordPress caching plugin on the market.

Although there is no free version, the prices are quite affordable compared to other paid options.


  • super fast background crawling technology
  • robust even during traffic peaks
  • toolbox with many more optimization tools for increased website performance


  • no free version
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